Browsing Orders


ShipGear allows you to browse Amazon orders to import into the carrier system and search based on a variety of available filters. Each carrier has its own import dialog that can access the Search/Browse window as described below.



eCommerce Orders Browser





Browsing in UPS WorldShip®

Type a "?" into the WorldShipâ Enter Import Key box and press Tab or Enter to browse all orders. You can also enter a partial key and choose from a list of matching results.




Browsing in FedEx Ship Manager®

Click the "Clear Fields" button on the bottom of the Ship Manager® screen to bring up the Lookup Value dialog. To browse orders, type a "?" into the Lookup Value field and click OK.  You can then choose from a list of search results to populate the FedEx Ship Manager® screen (see Search/Browse Window below).


Note : In FedEx Ship Manager v28xx and lower, you will see the Import Key dialog instead. See Browsing in FedEx Ship Manager® v.28xx and lower


Browsing in Endicia Professional®

On the Order Lookup tab, enter a "?" or "@" and click Retrieve Order.





eCommerce Orders Browser

The Browser window appears after you enter "?" and press Tab or Enter . You will see orders for all of your eCommerce companies in the browser window. You can narrow down the list of orders by adding one or more filters. You can also add or remove columns, and decide the column order.

Once you make a selection, the Load button imports the order into the carrier shipping screen.





Filters allow you to provide specific criteria by which to find orders. Applicable filters for all eCommerce providers will display in the list.

The default filter is to display results for the last month for orders with an Unshipped or Partially Shipped Order Status.


To add a new filter, click Add Filter. Select a field to search by and click OK.

Depending upon the field you selected, you can specify the exact criteria - for example, the time frame or date range for the Order Date field.




Or if you didn't want to view Partially Unshipped orders, for example, you could change that using the Order Status filter.


Other types of fields allow you to enter alphanumeric values for which to search. Note : "Contains" will check for the specified sequence of character values within the field you selected.

When you are done adding filters, click the Apply button.


Tip : To remove a filter, click the " - " button next to it.



Show/Hide Filters

To hide filters, click the left arrow button next to the filters section.



To show them again, click the arrow again.




Columns allow you to sort your filtered results. Above the documents grid, you can select a column by which you want to sort the filtered or unfiltered results. The blue arrow next to the field toggles the sort order.




Edit Columns

Click the Edit Columns button to include or remove columns from the grid. You can also rearrange the order of the columns using the up and down arrows. Click Close when you are done.