Process Shipments


ShipGear allows you to process UPS shipments against Macola Orders and Customers.

  1. Launch UPS WorldShip®.
  2. From the Import/Export Data menu, select Keyed Import > SG2Import. Note: You may see the UPS OnLine Connect Reminder.
  3. Enter the complete Order number or Customer name into the Import Key dialog, and press Tab or Enter. You can also type a ‘?’ to browse through all records and select one. (See Search/Browse for more info.)
    The Macola data is loaded into the WorldShip shipping screen.
  4. Enter the weight of the first box or use an electronic scale to read the weight . Navigate to the next package and repeat the weighing process for each package in the shipment (if applicable).

  5. Press F10 or click Process Shipment. If necessary, validate the Ship-To Address.

  6. When the shipment is processing, you will see the shipment progress dialog.

For information about how freight and handling charges are written back to Macola, see Write-Back.