Address Adjustment

Certain Ship To fields in WorldShip® are mapped to "adjusted" address fields from QuickBooks. ShipGear will adjust the address if fields are left blank in QuickBooks.

To see which WorldShip fields are mapped to "adjusted" fields:

  1. In ShipGear Exchange, go to Customize Interface.

  2. Select your Interface and document.

  3. On the left, under WorldShip Input Fields, select Ship To.

  4. In the center panel, click on the Company or Name field.

In this example, you’ll see the adjusted field listed under Invoice Field in the right panel.


A few other adjusted fields are: Attention, Street, Room/Floor/Address 2.


Other notes:


Contact Name

If the Ship-To address includes only a Contact Name and not a Company Name, ShipGear moves the Contact Name to the WorldShip "Company or Name" field. The reason is that this is a required field in WorldShip and cannot be left blank.


Ship To Address lines

ShipGear accesses the first three lines of the Ship To Address that you enter in QuickBooks 2002 (first four lines in QuickBooks 2003). Therefore, in order for ShipGear to retrieve the Company, Attention, Addr1 and Addr2 fields, you must enter this information in to the first three lines, with the city, state, and zip code in the fourth or fifth lines.


Validate the Ship To Address

At times, ShipGear will prompt you for help in bringing over the Ship To address from QuickBooks.

If you receive the Validate Your Ship To Address dialog box in WorldShip, drag the address lines with the mouse until you have the correct Ship To address. Then, click OK.