The Freight Rules module gives you control over the freight written back to your financial system orders, invoices, sales receipts, etc. The result is total automation of customer freight billing.
Freight Rules can modify the actual freight from the carrier system – your cost plus any handling fee – or override that freight with a new amount.
How do freight rules work? First, you define the result of the rule; that is, the action that ShipGear should ultimately take when applying the rule. Then, you have the option of defining conditions that must be met in order for the rule to be applied. Take a look at the list below for some ideas and examples of the types of rules and conditions that you might set up in your company.
Here are a few practical ways that you can use freight rules:
Add a handling fee to freight charges: The handling
fee can be a flat fee that is applied on a shipment, package, or order
basis. It can also be a percentage bound by a maximum and/or minimum limit.
Another option, using a condition, is to create a handling fee that
varies the freight charge for different classes of customers.
Implement a freight plan based on the order total:
Set up a freight rule that charges a flat amount for each order total
range; for example, orders totaling up to and including $25.00 are charged
$6.00 freight; from $25.01 – 50.00, the freight charge is $8.00, etc.
By adding conditions, you can charge a base amount for Ground service
and then increase that charge based on the actual service; for example,
you can have ShipGear add $15.00 for Next Day service, and so on.
Increase or decrease the fees charged for shipment
options such as COD or insurance: In some cases, you may not want to charge
the COD fee to encourage customers to select the COD payment option. So,
you would set up a rule where a discount is applied under the condition
that the COD flag in the
carrier system is selected.
Control whether freight is written back to your
financial system: This allows your order entry personnel to quote freight
for some orders before they ship,
and apply actual freight for other orders.
Freight rules are based on your financial system data or the carrier system shipment fields so freight charges will always automatically comply with your business rules. ShipGear can apply an unlimited number of rules that are met for a specific shipment.
In addition, your customer service team can view details on all the rules that were applied to a freight amount using ShipGear Front Office. Contact the Sales Department for more information about the Front Office module.
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