Home > Installation
The installation program installs both ShipGear and any add-ons you may have purchased.
Insert the ShipGear CD into the CD-ROM drive. The ShipGear installation program automatically starts.
Follow the installation prompts.
If you do not have Autorun enabled, and the setup program does not automatically start, navigate to and run the ShipGear EXE.
You can download an evaluation copy of ShipGear from our website. To do this, go to www.vtechnologies.com/sgdemo.htm and follow the download directions. You'll receive an e-mail with your registration key and other useful information.
Once downloaded, locate the folder you chose during the download and double click the ShipGear EXE to start the installation process.
Follow these instructions to purchase, download, and install ShipGear. The steps may vary slightly depending upon the link you use to access the shop or your financial system.
Go to shop.vtechnologies.com.
Choose the ShipGear product for your financial system.
Select the financial system line or edition. For example, "My Financial System Premium 2006" or "My Financial System ES".
Select your financial system version, if necessary.
Click "Add to Cart".
From the cart page, choose to continue shopping for add-ons or subscriptions to ShipGear; or, select the Go to Checkout button to purchase the contents of your shopping cart.
To add another product, use the Related Items drop-down list.
Follow the checkout instructions.
If you are a returning customer, log in. You will be taken to the checkout
If this is the first time you are purchasing a V-Technologies product
from our website, enter the
billing info
carrier account number
shipping info
payment info
Required fields are noted with an asterisk ( * ). If billing to a P.O. Box, see this note.
When complete, click Verify My Info.
Select your shipping method. If you choose an option other than "Download=FREE", your shipping costs are recalculated.
After verifying that your order is correct,
click Complete
You can now print or save your receipt. A short while afterwards, you
receive an email with your order summary, download link, and registration
In the e-mail, click the download link, and save the ShipGear installation EXE to a local directory.
Run the installation EXE and follow the instructions on each dialog.