Ship with UPS WorldShip®


In order to process shipments, ShipGear must be running and connected to your Amazon company.

  1. Open UPS WorldShip®.

  2. From the Import/Export menu, select Keyed Import > SG2Import. Note: You may see the UPS OnLine Connect Reminder.

  3. In the Enter Import Key box, type in the Amazon item or order number and press the Tab or Return key to load the document into WorldShip. You may receive a Validate Your Ship To Address dialog box. Click here for more information.

    You may also browse a list of documents by typing a "?" in the field and pressing Tab or Return key. You can then select from a list of orders. See more about Browsing Documents.

  4. Enter any other shipment information. Type in the package weight or put the package on the your electronic scale. If there is more than one package in the shipment, go to the next package and repeat this step for each package in the shipment. Then, click Process Shipment or press F10.


After the shipment is processed, ShipGear automatically writes back the Shipping Status and Tracking Numbers to the Amazon Marketplace Order.