View eCommerce Status


When you process an eCommerce order,ShipGear attempts to update the order on the eCommerce system with the tracking number, carrier, service, ship date, and more. Because some eCommerce systems do not handle requests in real-time, you can use the View eCommerce Status feature to check the status of eCommerce write-back for orders and/or product detail from the eCommerce system. This feature is available from My Companies > View eCommerce button in Exchange.


Connection Status

On the left side of the screen, the enabled eCommerce interfaces are listed. Each unique account will have it's own set of statuses.


Products API :  This section loads the eCommerce item information, such as the item number, weight, product image, etc.

Writeback API : This section displays details written back to Amazon, such as the item quantity shipped, carrier and service, tracking, etc.

Orders API  : This section shows the order information and gives you the status of the order, if write-back was successful and the order was marked as shipped in the eCommerce source, or if there were errors.


Status Key


Green : The service is connected and operating normally.

Yellow : The service is experiencing higher than normal error rates or is operating with degraded performance. Additional information may be provided.

Red : The service is unavailable or experiencing extremely high error rates. Additional information may be provided.

None : The API status is unknown. This can occur if the API connection has not run for 10 minutes, or when experiencing network issues. If this is due to a connectivity issue, an "Error reading API status" message is shown.  



Orders API



Filters allow you to provide specific criteria by which to find orders. You can filter by status : Failed, Pending, Success ... as well as by date. The filtered results will appear in the Shipment Grid below.


To refresh or update results, click the "Update" button in the top right corner of the screen :


Orders Grid

This area displays the list of shipped orders based on your specified filters. Click the column headings to change the sorting method. This is where you will find the write-back status for orders.


Shipment Information

When you click on an order in the Orders Grid, the shipment specific information displays here.


Carrier/Service : This is the carrier and service used to ship the order.

Tracking Number : You can click on the tracking number and copy it, in case you need to update the order on the Amazon Seller Central manually. See Confirm the Shipment on Amazon below for more information.

Shipped Quantity : This is the number of items shipped on the order.

Last Attempt : This field shows the date and time of the last attempt to write back the order information to Amazon.

Error Count : ShipGear will make 5 attempts to write the shipment information back to the Amazon order. If, after 5 attempts, write-back fails completely, you can update the order manually on Amazon. See Confirm the Shipment on Amazon for more information.



The Export button will export the shipments currently listed in the Shipment Grid, in the order they are listed, to a .CSV file.

In the case that orders have failed to update on Amazon, you can export the list of failed orders, log in and manually update the orders as "Shipped"  on Amazon Seller Central.

See Confirm the Shipment on Amazon for more information.