Endicia GlobalPost


Endicia GlobalPost is an easy and economical way to ship international packages weighing less than 4.4 lbs. GlobalPost offers a cost savings of up to 30% on your current international shipping rates.




Endicia GlobalPost Economy : Compare to USPS First Class Int'l

Endicia GlobalPost Priority : Compare to Priority Mail Int'l


Both services include $100 of replacement coverage plus a refund of all shipping charges, and easy customs forms preparation.

GlobalPost Priority additionally includes fast 6 - 10 days delivery and door-to-door tracking to 27+ countries.





The only setup required is to enable the GlobalPost mail class in Endicia.

  1. In Endicia Professional® select Edit > Preferences and then select the Active Mail Classes tab.
  2. Under the International section, select the Endicia GlobalPost Service. Click OK.

Ship with Endicia GlobalPost

Follow these steps to process a GlobalPost shipment.

  1. Enter your international shipment information into Endicia.
  2. Under Services, select GlobalPost as the Mail Class.
  3. Weigh the package using an electronic scale or enter the package weight.
  4. If you are shipping with GlobalPost Priority, you can select a tracking method.
  5. If necessary, enter the Package Value.

  6. Click Print Label. A domestic USPS label will be printed and addressed to your regional GlobalPost Shipping Center. Affix this to your package.

    Customs Information is automatically transmitted to the GlobalPost Shipping Center. Customs information can be mapped and automatically imported with your QuickBooks document. See Customs Information for more information.



Write-Back to QuickBooks

The example below shows the shipment information written back to the QuickBooks Invoice. When a package is shipped with GlobalPost Priority, tracking information will also write back.