Process Shipments


There are three ways to process shipments with ShipGear.


Method 1 : Select items to ship from the ShipGear eBay Transaction Browser;

Method 2 : Ship items by typing the eBay Selling Manager Record # in the Enter import key: dialog box

Method 3 : Ship items by typing the eBay Item ID in the Enter import key: dialog box.



Method 1 : Ship items using the ShipGear eBay Transaction Browser

Method 2 : Ship Items Using the Selling Manager Record # (Sales Record #)

Method 3 : Ship Items Using the Item ID

Complete the shipment

Shipment Notes


Method 1 : Ship items using the ShipGear eBay Transaction Browser

  1. In the Enter import key: dialog box, type a “?” and press Enter or Tab to get a list of your eBay transactions.


  2. Double-click the eBay item, or select the item and click the Ship button, to import the eBay transaction information into UPS WorldShip.

Download transactions

The "Sold" date refers to when the item(s) sold. The "Modified" date refers to when the item was last modified.

An example of when you would use the modified date, as opposed to the sales date : Let's say your item was sold 7 days ago but was paid only 1 day ago. If your browser setting is set to In Past "3" days for "Sold" items, your item would not display. You would have to set the download for "Modified" in the past "1" day.


In Past

By default, ShipGear will download items sold or modified within the last 3 days. You can use the arrow buttons to change the number of days. The maximum number of days to view sold items is 30.



This setting allows you to choose a date range. Any eBay transactions falling within the specified range will display in the browser.



Use this button to update the transaction list if you make any changes to the selection criteria. Any past days or date range selected in the browser will only be for the current connected session. When ShipGear is restarted, it will default to your eBay Account Settings.


Shipping Multiple Items to the Same Buyer

When multiple items are shipping to the same buyer and are associated with a combined order or Selling Manager record, you have the option to select items to include in the shipment.


Continue to Complete the Shipment.





Method 2 : Ship Items Using the Selling Manager Record # (Sales Record #)

To use this method, ShipGear must be set up to use a WorldShip Keyed Import Setting of "Sales Record #". To change the Import setting, see Change WorldShip Keyed Import Setting for more information.


  1. In the Enter import key: dialog box, type in the Sales Record # (Selling Manager Record #) and press Enter or Tab to import the eBay transaction information into UPS WorldShip.

    Note:  You can enter the individual or the combined Sales Record # if there are multiple items in the record to ship.


  2. By default, ShipGear will search items solld within the last 30 days. If the Sales Record # was sold more than 30 days ago, the search date range dialog will display.

Shipping Multiple Items to the Same Buyer

When multiple items are shipping to the same buyer and are associated with a combined order or Selling Manager record, you have the option to select items to include in the shipment.



Continue to Complete the Shipment.





Method 3 : Ship Items Using the Item ID

To use this method, ShipGear must be set up to use a WorldShip Keyed Import Setting of "Item ID". To change the Import setting, see Change WorldShip Keyed Import Setting for more information.


  1. In the Enter import key: dialog box, type in the eBay Item ID and press Enter or Tab to import the eBay transaction information into UPS WorldShip.

Shipping Multiple Items to the Same Buyer

When multiple items are shipping to the same buyer, and the Order was created on eBay, you have the opportunity to include the items in the shipment :

Shipping the Same Item to Multiple Buyers

When the same item is shipping to multiple buyers, you can select the transaction you would like to ship.


Complete the shipment

At this point, the eBay transaction data has populated the WorldShip screen. Whichever method  you use to get your eBay data into WorldShip, completing the shipment is the same.

  1. On the WorldShip screen, enter any other shipment information.

  2. Type in the package weight or put the package on the scale.

  3. If there is more than one package in the shipment, go to the next package by clicking on the single arrow button in WorldShip and repeat this step for each package in the shipment.

  4. Click Process Shipment or press F10.


  5. Once the shipment is processed, ShipGear will automatically mark the transaction as Shipped. ShipGear will also add the Shipment Tracking Number that will appear for every item selected in the shipment, available to both the Seller and Buyer.  Note: Write-Back will only occur if your Write-Back settings remain enabled.

    Seller Write-Back


    Buyer Write-Back




Shipment Notes

eBay will no longer provide an e-mail address for the buyer 14 days after a sale is completed.  If you have QVN mapped and the email address is not displaying, it is due to the fact the item was sold more than 14 days ago and eBay does not return it in our request.