With ShipGear connected to your ERP system company, follow these basic steps to start processing shipments with the carrier of your choice. More detailed information about processing shipments can be found in the Process Shipments section.
Ship with UPS OnLine® WorldShip®
Open UPS WorldShip®.
From the UPS Import/Export Data menu, select Keyed Import > SG2Import. Note: You may see the UPS OnLine Connect Reminder.
In the Enter Import Key box, type in the document
(Order, Transaction, Customer, etc.) number and press the Tab or Return
key. You may also browse by typing a "?" in the field and
pressing Tab or Return key. See more about Browsing
You may receive a Validate Your Ship To Address dialog box. Click here for more information.
The information from your invoice, sales, or customer record populates the WorldShip® screen. Enter any other shipment information. Type in the package weight or put the package on the scale. If there is more than one package in the shipment, go to the next package and repeat this step for each package in the shipment.
Click Process Shipment or press F10.
Ship with FedEx Ship Manager®
Make sure ShipGear Exchange is not running.
Open FedEx Ship Manager®.
From the Ship Manager® screen, click the Clear Fields button.
In the Lookup Value dialog box, type in the document (Order, Transaction, Invoice) number or, Customer name, and press Enter. You may also browse for any of these documents by typing a "?" into the Lookup field. See also: Browsing Documents.
The information from the record you selected populates the Ship Manager® screen. Enter any other shipment information. Type in the package weight or weigh the package with your electronic scale. If there is more than one package in the shipment, go to the next package and repeat this step for each package in the shipment.
Click Ship or Press F10.
See also : Ship with FedEx Ship Manager® v28xx and lower
Ship with Endicia Professional®
Type in the package weight or put the package on a scale. When using dimensions, Endicia Professional rounds down the dimensions ( L, W, H) to the nearest .25 inches.
The dimension fields have a length of 6 characters, including the decimal point; ex. 100.00.
If you apply a handling charge on the shipment in the carrier system, it is included in the amount written back to the ERP system. This is also true for handling charges defined in ShipGear Freight Rules. To further enhance freight write-back, you can use the Freight Rules module; it allows you to create custom freight rules to control freight write-back.
See also :