Browsing eBay Transactions


ShipGear allows you to easily browse all eBay transactions and filter them by status or other criteria. Each carrier has its own import dialog that can access the eBay Transactions Browser as described below. Transactions will download when you launch ShipGear, based on either the past week or the date range that is set up in Additional Browser Settings.


UPS WorldShip®

Type a "?" into the WorldShipâ Enter Import Key box and press Tab or Enter to browse all transactions. You can also enter a partial key and choose from a list of matching results.



FedEx Ship Manager®

Click the "Clear Fields" button on the bottom of the Ship Manager® screen to bring up the Lookup Value dialog. To browse documents, type a "?" into the Lookup Value field and click OK.  You can then choose from a list of search results to populate the FedEx Ship Manager® screen (see Transactions Browser below).




See also : Browsing in FedEx Ship Manager® v.28xx and lower

Browsing in Endicia Professional®

On the Order Lookup tab, enter a "?" or "@" and click Retrieve Order.





eCommerce Orders Browser


In the new Browser interface, the status has been moved to the "Status" column. This allows you to use filters to display shipments with a specific status.

You can add one or more filters, add or remove columns, and decide the column order. Once you find the transaction and select it, the Load button imports the transaction into the carrier shipping screen.



Double-click the row, or select the row and click the Load button, to import the eBay transaction information into the carrier software.





Filters allow you to provide specific criteria by which to find transactions. Filter examples include Order ID, Sales Record #, Customer Name, Ship To Address, Order Date, and more.

The default filter is based on the Additional Browser Settings you configured during setup.


To add a new filter, click Add Filter. Select a field to search by and click OK.


Specify Criteria

Depending upon the field you selected, you can specify the exact criteria - for example, the time frame or date range.





Other types of fields allow you to enter alphanumeric values for which to search. Note : "Contains" will check for the specified sequence of character values within the field you selected.

When you are done adding filters, click the Apply button.




Show/Hide or Remove Filters

To hide filters, click the left arrow button next to the filters section.



To show them again, click the arrow again.

To remove a filter, click the " - " button next to it.





Columns allow you to sort your filtered results. Above the documents grid, you can select a column by which you want to sort the filtered or unfiltered results. The blue arrow next to the field toggles the sort order.




Edit Columns

Click the Edit Columns button to include or remove columns from the grid. You can also rearrange the order of the columns using the up and down arrows. Click Close when you are done.




Shipping Multiple Items to the Same Buyer

When multiple items are shipping to the same buyer and are associated with a combined order or Selling Manager record, you have the option to select items to include in the shipment.



Process the Shipment

Choose your carrier below for information about processing the shipment and write-back.