ShipGear supports writing FedEx freight and shipment detail directly to Invoices, Sales Orders, and Sales Receipts. When you run ShipGear for the first time, you are prompted to set up a write-back method. If you did not set up write-back at that time or you want to change the way write-back is configured, you can access Write-Back Setup in ShipGear Exchange. Here is a recap of the write-back methods, and how to set them up and use them.
Write to an Invoice or Sales Order/Receipt While Shipping
ShipGear can write freight and shipment detail back to QuickBooks automatically or prompt the shipper for approval before write-back occurs. ShipGear writes the information back to the Item Type and Item Code you select.
In the ShipGear Exchange window, click the Customize Interface button.
Click the document (Invoices, Sales Receipts, or Sales Orders) link.
In the Carrier field, select FedEx
Ship Manager®.
At the bottom left corner of the
window, select Write-Back Setup. Under Freight Write-Back, select
the option to automatically write the freight and shipment details.
For Shipment Detail, you can select
to write back to the Line item or Memo field. To modify an existing
entry in the shipment detail, click inside the row and type, or make
a selection from the drop-down list. Select None if you do not want
the information to write back.
ShipGear also allows you to configure how the freight amount is written back to QuickBooks.
Select Freight Amount.
Make one of the following choices:
Freight Amount is shipper’s cost
+ handling fee: ShipGear writes the freight amount as the
Standard freight (shipper’s cost + handling fee) when you save or
void a shipment in the carrier system.
Use custom freight rules to control
freight write-back: If the Custom Freight Rules option
is enabled in ShipGear, you can control how freight charges are written
back to Invoices, Sales Receipts and Sales Orders. You can use freight
rules to modify the actual freight from the carrier system, or override
that freight with a new amount.
If you selected to use custom freight rules,
click the Define
Custom Freight Rules button to create freight rules. See the links
below for more information about custom freight rules.
Be sure to click Apply when you are done with
Write-Back setup.
To use direct write-back, you must first enable the "Automatically write the freight and shipment detail" setting under Freight Write-back. Then, configure direct write-back settings.
Decide how to write the freight and/or shipment detail to Invoices. You can select "Automatically write the freight and/or shipment detail directly to Invoices", which means that write-back occurs without any user involvement. Or, you can select "Prompt the shipper to write the freight and/or shipment detail to Invoices", which means that before write-back occurs, a dialog will appear asking for the user's approval.
Configure three items about write-back to suit your needs.
Select the Item Type and Item Code that ShipGear will use to write to Invoices. This setting allows you to drop the correct information into the right fields on your QuickBooks Invoice. You can accept the default settings, which are most likely the fields to which you want to write back; or you can set these items to the fields of your choice by selecting from the drop-down lists.
Enable the "To be printed" check box in Invoices after processing a shipment in UPS WorldShip (or FedEx Ship Manager®) : When you choose Yes, the "Print Later" check box will be checked, allowing the form to be printed later.
Disable the "To be printed" check box in Invoices after voiding the last shipment against the document : If set to Yes, when you void the final shipment of a document, this setting will deselect the "Print Later" check box automatically. Note : The term "Print Later" is used by QuickBooks 2013 and higher. For users of QuickBooks 2012 and lower, the term is "To be printed".
ShipGear’s default interface defines a macro used to write freight and tracking information back to QuickBooks when you ship against Invoices/Sales Receipts. You may have to customize the macro in order for the write-back to occur correctly on your Invoice.
In ShipGear Exchange, click the Customize Interface button and select
a document.
At the bottom left corner of the window, click Write-Back Setup.
Under Freight Write-Back, select the option to manually write the freight and tracking number to Invoices using the macro.
After processing a shipment :
Switch to QuickBooks and open the Invoice or Sales Order/Receipt.
Position the cursor in the Item column (for Invoices).
Click the "clipboard"
icon in your system tray.
The tracking number will write back as the Description and the Freight
as Amount (for Invoices).
(You may need to scroll to the right in this window to see the Amount.)
See also:
Customizing the Write-Back Macro: Setup and Examples