In order to populate the UPS WorldShip® fields with the correct shipping data from QuickBooks, ShipGear's field mapping system that defines which fields in QuickBooks are mapped to fields in WorldShip. For example, in Customers > Invoices > Edit Customers (in QuickBooks), the "Type" field by default is mapped to the "Commercial/Residential" flag in WorldShip. So, if you select a QuickBooks value of "Residential" for a customer, the "Residential Address" check box is automatically enabled in WorldShip® when you ship to this customer.
Some field maps are included in ShipGear's default interface. You can also customize field mapping to suit your company.
In the ShipGear Exchange window, click the Customize Interface button.
Click the document type (Invoices, Customers, or Sales
Orders/Receipts) to access the edit interface screen, which allows
you to customize how QuickBooks fields are mapped to UPS WorldShip® input fields.
Select UPS WorldShip® from the Target drop-down list.
At the top of the Customize Interface window, ShipGear displays the Interface, the currently selected Company, and the Document Type.
The UPS Input fields consist of a tree-style list that displays fields from WorldShip organized by group. When you select a group, its fields or subgroups become active in the center pane. A description of the selected group or field appears in the right-most pane, along with the current map settings and value translations.
: Fixed value
: QuickBooks value
Some fields are mapped in ShipGear by default. For example, if you click on the Ship To Input group, and select the E-mail Address field from the middle panel, you’ll see an example of a field that is mapped to a QuickBooks source, the "Customer E-mail" field, and its location.
Let's look at two other types of default mapping.
Here are some examples of fields that are mapped to a Fixed Value: There are a few types of Fixed Value
Select - Click on the
Package Options Input group and select the Declared Value (Select)
field. You’ll see it is mapped to "Fixed Value," which in
this case is "selected." Select can only have two values
- selected and not selected. This mapping indicates that Declared
Value is enabled in WorldShipâ
for each shipment.
Always set to - Click
on the Ship From Input group and select the Shipper Number field.
This field will always set the Shipper Number in WorldShipâ to the value selected here.
Notes about "Adjusted Fields":
Address Adjustment: Certain Ship To fields in WorldShip are mapped to "adjusted" address fields from QuickBooks. ShipGear will adjust the address if fields are left blank in QuickBooks. See the Address Adjustment section for more information.
ShipGear also allows you to customize field mapping. Here are two quick examples. To do these examples, make sure you are in the Customize Interface window for the interface you want to edit, as described earlier in this topic:
Special Instructions for Shipment
You want to include notes on the shipment, select the Detail group. Select the Special Instruction for Shipment field from the center panel. You’ll see that the Source is currently set to None. From the Source drop-down list, select Fixed Value. In the Always set to: field, type your instructions.
Set Flexible Parcel Insurance to On and set the default Type
You want "Flexible Parcel Insurance" to always be select by default. To do this, select the Package Options > Flexible Parcel Ins. subgroup. Select Insured Value (Select) from the center panel. The Source is currently set to None. From the Source drop-down list, select Fixed Value and check the check box. Then, back in the center pane, click on the Flexible Parcel Ins. (Type) field. The Source is also set to None. Set the Source field to Fixed Value and select a type from the drop-down list -- Basic, Expanded, or Time in Transit. Once you save this mapping, Flexible Parcel Insurance will be checked by default in WorldShipâ and the type will be set to your selection.
When you are done with these examples, click Apply.
There are two types of WorldShipâ fields:
those that accept any information or "string" as input,
those that only accept a specific list of possible values.
In the latter case (2), we need to define Value Translations for those fields. Value translations are just what they sound like … a way to take a QuickBooks value and change it to a value accepted by WorldShipâ. Examples of such fields in WorldShipâ are Domestic Service, Saturday Delivery (Select), or Package Type. Once these fields are mapped to your QuickBooks fields, we then need a way to make sure that WorldShipâ gets values that it recognizes. That is where the ShipGear Value Translations come in. Value translations define how the values from QuickBooks are translated into WorldShipâ fields that require a set of allowed values.
Where do the values come from?
There are two sources:
QuickBooks: Values you set up in QuickBooks, such as Ship Via.
Adding them: If the field doesn’t have a values list in QuickBooks, you can add values in ShipGear.
Default Value Translations:
ShipGear looks for key words in the QuickBooks input string and returns a default value for the WorldShipâ field. It also can translate a string value into a WorldShipâ field value based on key words.
When you select a document (i.e. Customers, Sales Receipts, etc.), default Value Translations are used if you haven’t specifically set a value translation. You can see the default translations currently applied by accessing the value translations window in ShipGear Exchange (the Click here to update Value Translations link on the Edit Interface window).
See Default Value Translations
Rules are applied when one QuickBooks field is mapped to multiple WorldShipâ field/value. ShipGear checks against these rules to make sure they are allowed together. When ShipGear applies rules, it uses the precedence that is shown in the Value Translations window (higher precedence to the left). However, when you (the user) change values manually, your changes are given the highest precedence.
Rules are applied to all fields in a shipment so that the data sent to WorldShipâ is consistent.
With the WorldShipâ field for which you want to set Value Translations selected, click the link that says "Click here to update Value Translations."
The Value Translations window appears. This window shows you a list
of the existing Value Translations for a field.
To get the newest values from QuickBooks, click the "Refresh ‘field name’ Values" button. If an "Update" button appears, you can add and delete values as shown in the next section.
Select "Update ‘fieldname’ Values." (replace 'fieldname' with the name of the field you've selected)
In the Value List, type any values that could
be entered for the field you selected.
Note: You can also delete values by selecting them here and pressing
the Delete button on your keyboard.
Click OK.
If necessary, assign value translations for you newly added values.
Click OK again to exit Value Translations.
In the Value Translations window, modify the Value Translations as desired. ShipGear will check your changes against the set of built-in rules that coordinate with UPS shipping rules.
The following examples show you how to use field mapping in conjunction with Value Translations: